Monday, August 10, 2009

Internship:A "Foreward"for a new career

hi guys,

Recently I finished up with my internship with Citigroup..

It was really a great experience sharing the desk space with big guys..

I seriously feel that internship is a must before a job to give you a beeter idea

or u can say better perspective of being employed even though u are not employed in real.

Citigroup has not suffered that much as it was exaggerated by the media people.

they are still in very good Business...(thnx to Vikram Pandit)

CTI(Citi Technology and Infrastructure )is a superb place to work in..

one can learn lot of stuffs regarding computing ,technology,Unix,databases,ip security..bla..bla..

I really miss those daz in Citi...those surfing...

Guys..try it will feel the get one you can apply Citi internship
online on their website..

On my end day,I also got a chance to give a presentation on "Climate Change"
which really meant a lot to them.It was well appreciated and they cud feel the pinch of climate change..

I really owe a lot to my Guide Mr.Sanjay Dudeja,Vice President,CTI, under whom I was doing my project titiled"Infrastructure Process and Product Catalouge ".He is really a humble down to earth man.working alongside him,I never felt a Gap to bridge in.he was always like my friend sharing and taking my opinion on everythng.

ok guys...thts it..
U sud try it out..

1 comment:

  1. dude really it is an awesome xperience wen some1 goes 4 a corporate training.... or in ur words its internship....
    well evn i hd a bettr xposure towards corp training and believe me i hd it in PPL... and the people ovr der are so ready to help u out, wen u get stuck somewhr in betwn:):):)
    finally i need 2 applause 4 ur evry blogs dat u hv posted and goin thru it was a immense pleasure 4 meeeee.....
